20 business establishments by ZIP Code. Use underlying dataset on your computer: ZIP Code Demographic-Economic Dataset.

View/rank/query/compare ZIP Codes using interactive ranking tables: ZIP Code Richer Demographic-Economic Data (ACS 2012) example: Kansas City, MO-KS Area by ZIP Code

View ZIP Code Areas in Context of Google Maps API total, urban, rural population & housing geographic area population density multi-sourced ZIP code geographic-demographic-economic data and access/analysis tools Guide to ZIP Code Area Geographic-Demographic-Economic Data Resources get your ZIP code area profile request ZIP code profile in text section integrated neighborhood patterns of economic prosperity maps examples: structured profiles/datasets for each/all ZIP code areas examples: tools and data resources for analyzing ZIP Code area patterns ZIP Code Geographic-Demographic-Economic Updates scroll section We can process your address file, assigning codes, county name and metro name to each address record, and return your original address records/file with thoseĪttributes appended. One alternative is the ProximityOne address-to-county/metro coding service. The ZIP code equivalence table meets many needs. Use ZIP Code/Census Tract demographic-economic profiles with integrated map showing patterns of neighborhood economic prosperity. See more about these options in this section. These new and extended data are now available on a subscription basis as a downloadable spreadsheet file or interactive table See the new column/field structure below in this section. The ZIP Code to County to Metro data have been updated and extended. Use the ZIP code equivalence table in this section to determine the county and metropolitan area in which 5-digit ZIP codes of interest are located.